Finally, it looks like new regulations for halibut fishing in Norway will be introduced. This is something we have been fighting for over the past 10 years and will hopefully lead to more sustainable halibut fishing in the future.

We are pushing for the authorities to implement the following regulations:

A maximum size limit of 140 cm for halibut in tourist sport fishing, to reduce the harvesting of large female fish that are crucial for the population.

possession limit allowing each person to keep one halibut in tourist sport fishing.

An extension of the closed season to include the entire month of April for both sport and commercial fishing, ensuring that the fish have time to spawn before the fishing season resumes.

The introduction of total quotas and vessel quotas in commercial fishing.

A requirement that commercially caught halibut above a certain size must be delivered with the head. This aims to prevent the current issue of many fish over 2 meters being delivered.